My process

The picture above describes my process and time frame for the Sjöbo dental project. I have worked with everything from meeting the customer to making a finished product. The rocess from getting the assignment to a finished design has taken a total of about 6 weeks. Depending on the project or assignment, the time frame looks different.

Understanding, Research & Analyze

The first step in the UX design process is understanding the users and the company. For example, what are the problems that the users are facing, what problems should one try to solve for the users? When you then understand which problems the users face can one begin to come up with creating a good strategy for a successful design. Second step below understanding is to understand the company's core goals for the company brand and for the project. How does this project contribute to this goal? It is important that you do your research here for the best of the company.

After understanding the meaning of the project and knowing the central goals of the company, the customer, you proceed with user research. User research is important and will be the core of the project, things that are discovered here are important elements and fundamental to the whole project. Good user research challenges all your assumptions. In this phase you can use different methods, for example interviews, surveys, focus groups, etc. Last but not least is to use all the information you have collected during the two steps to analyze and filter the most important elements.

Sketch & IA, UI

In part 2 during my process, I start with sketching low-fidelity prototypes, where I am already thinking out the navigation. Low-fidelity prototypes of the application and the project is what I will use for example to be able to see user flows and will also create the information architecture for the application. During this part you can say that you create the core of the navigation and placement of different elements.


Testing comes throughout the project, from the first lo-fi prototypes are ready to the finished product before launch. Testing is part of the process that I think is very important, where you test whether the prototype / vision works as you had intended for users. Test the usability.

UX Design, Hi-Fi Prototype

Now that I have gathered the information I need and have researched areas, as well as created a good one strategy for me, I start with the design. I transfer my lo-fi prototypes and start developing High-fidelity prototypes. During this part I make sure to keep the user in mind. During this part, I can make use of and go back to my previous analyzes if necessary. Here I will also use more of it graphic, color and shape and how it interacts with each other. Guidelines are also created here. Testing the prototype will take a large part under this point - we create to users must understand the application!


The content of an application / website is important to be seen and to be seen in the right place. The content can be different elements such as images, text, buttons, color etc. Presenting the information on the website is part of the design, IA means how the user will find the information, which typography that should be chosen and what is suitable for this particular website.